Currently, the functionality of Drivecentric is to only show mileage, Y/M/M of the vehicle and RO Number. When BDC is calling to follow up with these service customers, they have no indication of whether the customer really came in, which advisor they worked with, or what the vehicle was seen for (oil change, warranty, diagnosis,etc). This is simple data that can be pulled from the DMS on a nightly basis. Many times, we are also missing followup because DriveCentric pulls closed ROs in batches instead of daily. Our BDC needs thsi functionailty as soon as possible- we are required by our OEM to perform followup call to these guests to ensure their satisfaction, and just imagine how moronic our staff looks when we dont know what they even came to the dealership for, or worse yet, that they didnt actually come by because the appointment was cancelled. The functionality for handling service opportunities in this platform is not what I had hoped. See images for a difference in what another CRM offers in level of detail compared to DriveCentric.