To make it convenient for the sales teams to click on a customer who opened an email blast they received and/or one of the many links contained therein, we need "Open Reporting" essentially where our Marketing Consultant or one of the Sales Managers accesses that data when clicking on OPENS in the Email Blast portal and is able to see the list of customers in a snapshot view under OPENED and CLICKED such that data columns like Customer Name, Customer Email Address, Customer Phone Number, Number of Times the Blast was opened and which Links were clicked on are visible. After that, we need to be able to either download the list accordingly, or start at the top or bottom and run down or up with our mouse to capture, then copy/paste those columns of data to a Word Doc to pass that information to the sales teams respectively. This essentially gives the sales teams a timely and applicable Work Plan to make contact with the customers on that list to move the sale along.