Transfer Customer 2.0
Erin Duben
It would be nice if all communication in customer card would transfer over to new store when transferring customer to a different store.
Canny AI
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Appointments should transfer when deal is transferred
Jackie Pereira
When we currently transfer a customer from one store to the next, the appointment doesn't transfer over. Working with multiple stores I've found that the customer at times changes vehicle of interest which causes us to have to transfer the customer, however the appointment stays at the store the customer was transferred from. Is there any way to transfer the appointment when the deal is transferred?
Shawn Goebel
Jackie Pereira Thank you for the feature request! I am going to move this one over to Gathering Votes to see what other users think about this request! Thank you again and have a great day!
Drew Adler
Hello and thank you for the feedback!
We did just recently release an update to Transfer Customer that included much more customer information, as well as deal notes, when the deal is transferred. While this did not include previous communication, I hope everyone enjoys the enhanced functionality.
For context, the decision to not move communication was both a technical and product decision. It was technically a complication to move messages from store to store and still associate them with an existing record.
Agreed! Especially when you share the same parking lot and customers go between stores
James Chou
Yes! I'm not the only one!
Jacob Coleman
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Micah Andresen
We i transfer a deal to a different store, all the deal activity/communication fails to come with it.
Jacob Coleman
in progress
Jacob Coleman
Hi Micah, thanks for the feedback! We're working on an update to Transfer Customer that will include much more customer information, as well as deal notes, when the deal is transferred. I'm going to merge this request into that one, and you'll receive any updates automatically.
Jacob Coleman
Molly Sasenick
It would also be nice if they were already opted in for texting, if you didn't have to re-opt them in
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