Stop Genius from texting or emailing
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Jason Stroope
Any way to keep Genius from texting or emailing if we have already done so on a new lead? Customers are getting bombarded right away and would be off putting if it were happening to me.
Joe Homann
It should be easy to add some settings or a basic commands. Here I have this for the programming team. Please incorporate into our Genius.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
class Customer {
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point lastEmailTime;
Customer() : lastEmailTime(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - std::chrono::hours(3)) {}
void receiveEmailFromSales() {
lastEmailTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::cout << "Customer has received an email from sales staff." << std::endl;
bool canSendAIMessage() {
auto currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto durationSinceLastEmail = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(currentTime - lastEmailTime);
return durationSinceLastEmail.count() >= 3; // 3 hours
int main() {
Customer customer;
// Simulating receiving an email from sales
// Check if AI can send a message
if (customer.canSendAIMessage()) {
std::cout << "AI can send an email or text." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "AI cannot send an email or text for 3 hours." << std::endl;
// Simulating a wait period to check after 3 hours
// Check again if AI can send a message
if (customer.canSendAIMessage()) {
std::cout << "AI can now send an email or text." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "AI still cannot send an email or text." << std::endl;
return 0;
Regina Mouser
I would recommend having Shelby sleeping during business hours completely
Andy Bailey
Regina Mouser: yes
Jacob Coleman
gathering votes
Jacob Coleman
Hi Jason, thanks for the feature request! As Jenna mentioned, you do have the ability to Fire Genius, but your management team would have to grant you permission to do so. Either way, Genius will automatically stop texting or emailing the customer as soon as the customer engages with the salesperson.
Jason Stroope
Jacob Coleman: This isn't the case. Just a couple of days ago, the customer and I had been emailing back and forth and Genius decided to email a response to the customer. I had to tell the customer to disregard emails from them.
Andy Bailey
Jacob Coleman: no it does not
Ranitajean Belair
The Genius had a couple of my customers so confused that it was complicating the whole process. I think having more control over the Genius would be helpful.
Amanda Garcia
Agreed; like if we sent the opt in before the genius, it shouldn't be allowed to send it on top of us, same with the email. If it would recognize it's already been done and not jump in there too.
Shannon B
Amanda Garcia: This would be great to apply to leads that are after the first day also! If our Corporate deems not to turn off Ai during BH, then we are forever stepping on eachother's toes sending multiple messages same-day.
Jenna M.
You can fire genius... or at least I can. It may be something your management might need to set up for you. But, I am able to fire genius from messaging them... It shows as a button on the bottom right side bar. But, once you fire - you cannot "re-hire".
Amanda Garcia
Jenna M.: I can "fire" too, but it doesn't work on new leads until after it's already sent the first text and email; if you fire too soon, it's like it was never fired. Also, it'll "re-hire" itself after so many days of no contact but the button never reactivates to fire again; usually have to snooze the customer if there's a reason we're not engaging.
Andy Bailey
Amanda Garcia: it is awful, I have the same problem.