Send One Email to All Customer's Emails
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Roger Patterson
Customers often have more than one email address per household or vehicle. Having the ability to send a single email to all of those addresses at once increases the probability it will be read and acted upon.
Drew Adler
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La'Quisha Turner
This would be perfect! Great idea Roger Patterson
Shelby Parker
Great to hear your perspective, Roger Patterson! I have a few more questions for you:
- How should the system identify and group multiple email addresses belonging to the same customer?
- Are there any specific conditions or rules for selecting which email addresses to include in the group email?
- Should there be an option to customize the email content for different email addresses within the same household or vehicle?
Roger Patterson
Shelby Parker
- The email should be sent to all email addresses assigned to the customer.
- It would be a plus to be able to manually delete email addresses from particular emails.
- I don't know how that would work, but I wouldn't say no. I'm sending an email to a customer and I want to make sure that the customer is alerted to the email be it the personal, business, alternate, or hearing from another member of the household that they received an email.