Megan Sutton
Change replies back to before the update. The update makes it incredibly hard to keep track of how many active replies each rep has, and you have to constantly refresh the screen to make them update.
With "no team" no longer an option, it is also hard to find all 3 AI unreplieds.
Shelby Parker
Thank you for posting, Megan Sutton! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how the update has affected the tracking of active replies?
- What specific features of the 'no team' option did you find most useful for finding AI unreplieds?
- Could you describe your ideal solution for managing and updating replies?
Megan Sutton
Shelby Parker 1 - you have to constantly refresh the screen, it does not update regularly. You can only see how many total replies the User has, and not how many they have actively unanswered.
2 - 'No Team' was very useful to find all our AI responses in one area. Also for users who no longer work here, we could see the replies that came into them.
3 - The ideal solution would be to change it back to the way it way before. There was nothing wrong with it before, but very inconvenient now.