New Customer Contact Card - Best Contact Method
Stephanie Bates
Please bring back the best contact method. Or a way to support calls with messages. I no longer know if a customer responds better with calls or emails/texts.
Sam De La Vega
bring it back
Kenny Rogers Urbina
Jonathan Schultz
Brandi Villegas
I sold one of our sister stores on this feature a few months ago. They signed up and it's gone. It was a FANTASTIC feature of the customer card. PLEASE bring it back!
Jonathan Schultz
Brandi Villegas: your wish is granted 👍 we hope to have this back on the contact card soon!
Brandi Villegas
Jonathan Schultz Yay!
Bill Colarusso
Agreed. Also, we would benefit greatly / save time / know how best to get customer engagement by being able to sort all previous customer replies, inbound calls, outbound connected calls, and emails that the customer opened.
Chelsie Cowart
It is still there on the customer card. It shows the rings.
Bill Colarusso
Chelsie Cowart: Where's that?
Chelsie Cowart
Bill Colarusso
Bill Colarusso
Chelsie Cowart: This no longer appears in my Drive Centric view. Are you saying that it still exists? If so, where is it? If not, please bring it back. More important, let's have the ability to sort all actual contacted and replied communications in one sort.
Chelsie Cowart
Bill Colarusso Sir, I don't work for DriveCentric. I just saw your feature request and was trying to help you out by showing you that it shows for our store.... your settings may be different or something. I suggest chatting in. It shows when you click on the customer card that pulls up on the left of the customer profile.
Drew Adler
gathering votes
Shelby Parker
Hiya Stephanie Bates, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you used the 'best contact method' feature in the past?
- What specific information are you looking to gain from the 'best contact method' feature?
- Can you describe a scenario where having the 'best contact method' feature would improve your interaction with the customer?