Make AI smarter
Jonathan Kerr
- able to recognize when customer is out of market based on previous text notes. All this did was piss the customer off after I added notes to indicate to kill the deal or mark it dead. AI should know to not reach out w a question such as this. Please advise.
Shelby Parker
Great to hear your perspective, Jonathan Kerr! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific keywords or phrases should the AI recognize to determine a customer is out of market?
- How should the AI handle situations where there are conflicting notes about customer status?
- Are there any specific scenarios where the AI should still reach out despite notes indicating to mark the deal as dead?
Jonathan Kerr
Shelby Parker, the obvious ones like "stop", "spamming" or 'mark dead' whether it is by staff or coming from the customer themselves. AI can ask myself or management whether or not AI should still engage w the customer, and if need be, we can tell AI "yes" or this case "no". I would not have AI reach back to the client in any situations where the deal is dead, or needs to be marked dead, or where customer indicates to stop communicating.