Lack of Email Formatting
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Cassie Melton
When creating emails, I use spacing, but it does not reflect in the final email that is sent to the customer. It seems as if all of my paragraphs are running together with no spacing in between.
Terry Mills
The lack of spacing certainly detracts from professionalism and makes communicaiton look cluttered and more difficult to read. It also conveys a lack of attention to detail, something I try to combat everyday with staff. This issue should not even exist in a high-end product like DC.
Drew Adler
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Cordell Pattyson
Could we make it so that the system sends EMAILS to customer EXACTLY how they're written in Drive Centric?
I've been noticing in different areas of the system that it will either respect the format in which something is typed or alter and compress it.
TEXT messages are sent to the customer exactly how they are written.
NOTES are compressed and all line-spacing is removed.
EMAILS are also compressed.
I like to DOUBLE SPACE my sentences to make things easier to read and appear more professional for customers.
The system erases these and sends it in single-spacing format.
Even if I QUADRUPLE-SPACE the area between sentences, the system compresses it to single.
EDIT ----> This feedback system allows me to...
....double-space my sentences.....
UPDATE ----> It seems that sending emails via the app on your mobile device maintains the format in which it was sent.
I then sent an email using the desktop version of the site from the browser on my mobile and it compressed the same message.
The problem appears to solely be on the desktop version.
Shelby Parker
Hello Cordell Pattyson! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide examples of specific email clients where the formatting issue occurs?
- Are there any particular formatting features you find most important for professional emails?
- Have you noticed if this issue occurs with specific types of content or attachments?
Cordell Pattyson
Shelby Parker
I have provided a few examples but I will get more.
It is very simple to see, though.
The way I am typing this comment and double-spacing between sentences is what I'm talking about.
Cordell Pattyson
The system erases double-spacing.
Like this.
It converts all sent emails to single-spacing which looks awful.
It can make longer emails harder to read for customers.
EDIT----Well, don't we live in a backwards world.
This comment system takes single-spaced fragments and double-spaces them.
I single-spaced this whole commemt but that's not how it turned out.
Drew Adler
Merged in a post:
Email and text formatting
David Freedman
Improve clarity of written communications by allowing for line spacing/paragraphs in texts, and emails initiated through the “quick reply” part of the system.
For example, a list of vehicle specifications pasted into the message all becomes one sentence. This is not an unusual usage of the system and should be supported.
Shelby Parker
Great to hear your perspective, David Freedman! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide a specific example of how you would like the formatting to look in the 'quick reply' section?
- Are there any other areas in the system where you would like to see improved text formatting?
- How often do you use the 'quick reply' feature for sending emails and texts?
David Freedman
Shelby Parker I am off today but will get examples. I try to use the quick reply as much as possible. Sending texts and emails without replying to a prior conversation is cumbersome, and confusing, especially text which doesn’t differentiate me from the AI. They think I must work at Disney world, like the AI is programmed to sound.
David Freedman
Shelby Parker
Sorry for the delay.
Left side is what I wanted to send. Right side is the mess that the customer is getting.. Unless I'm seeing some compressed version that doesn't reflect what the customer sees
Jacob Coleman
Hey @David, can you clarify what you mean by the "quick reply" part of the system?
On the customer card, we do condense texts and emails by removing line breaks to save space, but the formatting that you type in is what the customer sees.
I double checked this from the "activity" tab as well as the conversations tool - is there another area where you're sending texts from? I want to make sure that the formatting that the customer sees is correct everywhere.
I've attached a few examples to show what the customer card shows vs what the customer sees.
Bryan Sobey
The short answer is to do a "hard return," shift+return for me. Incredibly annoying, yet so basic.
Drew Adler
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Hello all and thank you for your feedback! Pardon the delay in updating the status on this. We'll monitor this feedback and provide any updates along the way.