Include Dead Deals In Search by Stock # or VIN
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Bob Long
Currently the CRM does not appear to search dead deals for a stock # or VIN when you use the search bar. We have had a situation more than once where this feature would be beneficial.
Patrick Sullivan
I'd like to see this as well, been able to do this with our last 3 CRMs
Brian Lepic
This feature would be amazing.
Sergio Martinez
yes this will be super helpful
Damon Kelsey
agreed, would love to see this feature.
Cally Kempenich
This would be a beneficial feature to have.
Daniel DeSchane
We would love to see this feature. when you have so many dead deals, to be able to search a vin or stock number that anyone was interested would create many other deals in these times.
Jacob Coleman
gathering votes
Jacob Coleman
HI Bob, thanks for the feedback! We'll continue to monitor this request for votes!