Email Preview Before Send
Jocelyn Quintero
Be able to preview an email before it is sent.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Preview worksheets
Nick Dampier
It would be great to preview a proposal prior to printing or e-mailing/texting.
Nick Dampier
That would be such a helpful tool.
Drew Adler
This was released last week!
Drew Adler
gathering votes
Drew Adler
Hello - thank you so much for the feedback! We are actively reviewing historical requests and categorizing them appropriately as additional community feedback is gathered. As updates occur, you will receive updates automatically!
Conquest One Marketing
It would be great to be able to send myself a test seed before live deployment.
Shawn Goebel
Merged in a post:
Message Preview Prior to Sending Texts and Emails
Rashelle Robinson
When you hit send it would be fantastic if it would make you verify that you want to send text or email to customer.
Shawn Goebel
Merged in a post:
Email Blast: Test Email
Jonathan Schultz
Feature that allows you to send a test email to yourself before sending to 100,000s+
Brynn Yoshida
It would be nice to see how formatting would look if we were to implement HTML coding from a 3rd party site for emails.
Kyla Power
Yesss! I'm not sure if it's the same way for you guys, but writing an email (via desktop) in the conversations tab and the generalized home customer tab produce different results. Same thing with the email reply through the app, so it would make things more convenient if we could preview them so they are coming out clear and the way we want them to look :)
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