Custom Deal Doc Folders
Chandler Bainter
Ability to make custom deal doc folders for like 2024, 2025 without having to sift through tons of docs.
Created by Zach Angus
Shelby Parker
Great to hear your perspective, Chandler Bainter! Following up on this:
- What specific criteria or attributes would you like to use to organize the custom deal doc folders?
- How frequently do you anticipate needing to update or reorganize these custom folders?
- Are there any specific integrations or tools you currently use that should be compatible with this custom folder feature?
Chandler Bainter
Shelby Parker
- Initially, I see needing folders for specific model years (ie: 2023, 2024, 2025, etc.) Other forms may be listed under a title "Generic" or "Misc." In a perfect world, nothing would be left in an Uncategorized section.
a. If DriveCentric makes it so a Super User (or user w/ allowed permissions) can ble to create folders on the fly (rather than asking DriveCentric), other folders could be made. The user could then move files around as needed.
b. If DriveCentric is going to hardcode the catagories and we need to ask each time, I could see it becoming problematic on your side. I would advocate for a. above.
At minimum, folders for each model year is what I'm strongly suggesting.
- Frequency would be annually, as a new model year is launched. The OEM has model year specific forms for a variety of situations. Once all units for a specific model year have been sold, the forms and folder could be deleted.
- I don't know that I fully understand your question. Of course, we have a file storage/retrieval system where our forms could be stored, but that system cannot be tokened. Having the forms on DriveCentric and tokened in the document system streamlines the paperwork process and dramatically reduces the human error factor if said human types/writes information like VINs, etc.