Checking a Customer In Clears Unreplied from Sidebar
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Gwen G
A lot of times it can be a credit application, them saying they're here, or who should they ask for, things like that, in the messages. Salespeople will greet them and come back to the BDC to check them in. We have nothing else to say to them because our job has been done. When there's a message in the sidebar, and you check that customer in, it should clear the sidebar.
Drew Adler
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Carolyn Carrasquillo
This will be very helpful
Macarena Corbo
This feature would be the most needed feature in DC! You had the best idea ever!
Shelby Parker
Hey Gwen G, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you clarify what you mean by 'checking in' a customer? Is this a specific feature within our CRM?
- What specific information in the sidebar do you want to be cleared when a customer is checked in?
- Can you provide more context on how this change would improve your workflow or the user experience?
Lindsay Jones
Shelby Parker checking in, is a feature of your CRM. it is how we track people that are here at the dealership. often times people will write " im here" or something of that nature but by the time we see it we have already greeted them. We can ignore it, but it will show as fumbled even though no response is required because we spoke with them in person. If we speak to someone in person there is no reason to text them or email them back.