Advanced Search
Kris Reindel
Add a filter drop down or an Advanced Search option to be able to narrow down search. For instance, filter only your customers or by date range to help locate a specific customer. By vehicle type on deal as well.
Shelby Parker
Hey Kris Reindel, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more examples of the types of filters you would find useful?
- How often do you anticipate using this advanced search feature?
- Would you like the ability to save your search filters for future use?
Kris Reindel
Shelby Parker 1) Salesperson, sale date range, vehicle year/make/model, delivered or prospect, first name/last name.
2) Usage at least 1-2 times per day to locate specific files or customers
3) Not necessary to save filters, just an ability to select them from a list.