Add the Ability to Mark a Customer Deceased
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Linda Morrison
Marking a Customer Deceased would remove all Future Follow up and not allow anyone at the store to reach out
Michele McCoy
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Do Not Contact / Customer Passed Away
David Gist
An option to move the customer into do not contact for reasons such as passed away
Shelby Parker
Hiya David Gist, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific actions should be taken when a customer is marked as 'Do Not Contact' due to passing away?
- Are there any legal or compliance considerations we should be aware of when implementing this feature?
- Should this feature be available to all users or restricted to certain roles within the dealership?
Michele McCoy
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Add "Never Contact" status to customers
Adam Miller
I have a customer who passed away that shares his email address with a service customer who is also very elderly and will never purchase again. I want to make sure we never contact this customer again, but also don't want to lose all of the customer information by deleting the customer record. Giving us the ability to mark a customer "never contact" or even just "deceased" that would take the steps to ensure that we treated them appropriately would be very useful.
Michele McCoy
Adam Miller You can unsubscribe the customer from communications. From the Customer Contact Card, use the menu icon in the upper right and choose the communications to unsubscribe them from. Then you can pin a note to the top of the Customer Card explaining the situation.
It sounds like you would like the deceased customer and the service customer to both be unsubscribed from communications. Is that correct?
We have another feedback request for marking a customer deceased. Would my suggestion for unsubscribing and a pinned note be best for the service customer and then I can add your feedback request to the one asking for a "mark customer as deceased"?
Michele McCoy
Adam Miller Just following up on my comments above.
Adam Miller
Apologies, Michele McCoy I only just noticed your reply! I think this will get us to the functional end that we want! Thank you.
Shelby Parker
Great to hear your perspective, Adam Miller! I have a few more questions for you:
- How should the 'Never Contact' status affect existing communication preferences for the customer?
- Would you like the 'Never Contact' status to trigger any specific notifications or alerts for your team?
- Should the 'Never Contact' status be reversible, and if so, under what conditions?
Adam Miller
Thanks for getting back to me Shelby Parker!
- Ideally this would put them into whatever the most restrictive category is (I haven't played around long enough to know that offhand)
- An alert would be useful as an option, but if it's a mandatory feature of the enhancement I'd say it's not necessary provided the permission to mark as "Never Contact" is able to be restricted by permission group (e.g. managers can do it, but not SPs).
- Reversibility would be useful, I'd imagine, mistakes happen and we might e.g. confuse a dead father named John Smith with his living son John Smith Jr.
Chandler Bainter
Shelby Parker
- Manager's only can reverse. If a SP is again working with the customer, s/he can simply tell a Manager to reverse the setting. Otherwise, SP (like a newbie) could willy-nilly change things not understanding the ramifications.
Adam Miller
Chandler Bainter Commenting without upvoting is punishable by up to 3 years incarceration in some states, Chandler. ;)
Nonetheless, great point, fully agreed.
Chandler Bainter
Adam Miller I paid the fine �
Drew Adler
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Linda Morrison
I would like to see a deceased button.
Shawn Goebel
Merged in a post:
Add a way to mark a Customer Deceased
Nathan Fitzgerald
When a customer dies, we need the ability to turn off all future tasks. Please make it happen because people are going to keep dying.
Nathan Fitzgerald
- The system should be notified of a customer's death by a dealership sales consultant or sales manager manually selecting the option.
- The system should automatically cancel all tasks for a customer upon receiving the notification from a sales consultant or sales manager.
- All tasks should be cancelled in the event of a customer's death.
Shelby Parker
Thank you for posting, Nathan! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you clarify how you would like the system to be notified of a customer's death?
- Should the system automatically cancel all tasks for a customer upon receiving the notification, or would you prefer to manually confirm the cancellation?
- Are there any specific tasks that should not be cancelled in the event of a customer's death?
Jonathan Schultz
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