Ability to Add/Edit Vehicle of Interest on a Dead Deal
under review
Lorne Burt
Once a deal is marked dead, you cannot add a Vehicle of Interest. You have to rescue the deal, add a vehicle of interest and mark it dead again in order to do so.
Can you add the ability to view and edit the Vehicles on the customer card when the deal is marked dead?
Michele McCoy
under review
Michele McCoy
Lorne Burt, Dead Deals are designed to be a solid state, meaning no further changes can be made to the deal itself. However, you do have the option to rescue a deal (with the appropriate permissions) within 30 days of it being marked dead. This allows you to add or edit a vehicle of interest and then return the deal to its dead status if necessary.
We’d love to understand more about your specific workflow. Could you provide additional context on how adding or editing vehicles of interest on dead deals would be beneficial for your process?
Shelby Parker
Great to hear your perspective, Lorne Burt! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more context on how frequently this situation occurs where a deal is marked dead but then a vehicle of interest needs to be added or edited?
- Are there any specific reasons why a deal marked as 'dead' would need to have a vehicle of interest added or edited?
- Could you elaborate on the impact this change would have on your workflow or efficiency?
Lorne Burt
Shelby Parker
- This can happen every one to two days depending on lead volume and sales processes. The biggest issue is when DC accepts the first data dump.
- Depending on how stores track their deals / leads, ones without Vehicles of Interest will skew stats on New & Used numbers.
- Seeing the vehicle of interest on a dead deal could also benefit the sales team to see information at a quick glance. This will also assist on the admin side of cleaning up deals with no VOI attached (there would be no need to rescue and mark the deal dead again just to add a VOI).